Libros y Partituras de Tpta-Banda | Trino Music
Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Disp. Precio
A Spanish Fling/ Full Score Gray, David
28,00 €
A Tribute to Harry James Coates + Pestalozza/ Iwai, Naohiro
124,00 €
Ave Maria Caccini, Giulio/ Van der Beek, Will
123,00 €
Ballade pour Annie Brouquieres, Jean
75,00 €
Beautiful Girl Noris, Günter
83,00 €
Brass Time Laseroms, Wim
73,50 €
Cavalry Trumpets Laseroms, Wim
78,50 €
Chanson Hindoue Rimsky-Korsakoff, Nicolai
75,00 €
Charanga for Trumpet Cox, Boudewijn
115,50 €
Chronicles/ Full Score Turina, José
65,00 €
Con te Partirò Sartori + Quarantotto
71,00 €
Concert Etude Op. 49 Goedicke, Alexander/ Topolewski, Timothy
115,50 €
Concertino Faillenot, Maurice
151,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet Arutiunian, Alexander/ Schyns, José
175,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet & Winds. I Sonata Reed, Alfred
115,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet & Winds. II Slow Bl Reed, Alfred
100,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet & Winds. IV Song/V Reed, Alfred
115,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet (Archive Edition) Haydn, Joseph/ Hanniken, Jos
145,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet and Band Arutiunian, Alexander/ Duker, Guy M.
164,00 €
Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra Bennett Rodney, Ricahrd
138,45 €
Concerto for Trumpet Nº1 "Trumpet Town" Schwarz, Otto M.
165,00 €
Concerto for Two Trumpets Vivaldi, Antonio/ Ham, Jack
150,00 €
Concerto fur Trumpet in F Op 123/ Red.Pn Ponchielli, Amilcare
32,00 €
Concerto per Trumpet and Wind Band/ Full Ponchielli, Almicare
58,00 €
Concerto per Trumpet and Wind Band/ Full Ponchielli, Almicare
58,00 €
Concerto Tricolore Doss, Thomas
173,00 €
Concertpiece/ Score & Parts Curnow, James
150,00 €
Concertpiece/ Score & Parts Curnow, James
150,00 €
Concierto Nº 1/ Completo Valero, Andrés
143,00 €
Concierto Nº 1/ Full Score Valero, Andrés
41,50 €
Concierto Nº 1/ Parts Valero-Castells, Andrés
130,00 €
Concierto Nº 1/ Parts Valero-Castells, Andrés
130,00 €
Declaration for Trumpet Bulla, Stephen
126,00 €
Elegy Antonsen, Ole Edvard
135,00 €
Eolo, el Rey. Solista y Banda Ferrer Ferran
77,50 €
Eolo, el Rey. Solista y Banda/ Full ScoreEolo, el Rey. Solista y Banda/ Full Score Ferran, Ferrer
35,01 €
Fast Fingers Kerwin, Simon
71,00 €
Feelings Morris, Albert
71,00 €
For Susanna Kenny, Terry
94,00 €
Granada Fantasia Española Lara, Agustin/ Niese, Roger
135,00 €
Granada for Trumpet & Band Lara, Agustin/ Niese, Roger
122,00 €
Greatest Duets Vol. 2 Reed, Alfred
20,00 €
Il Silenzio Celeste- Brezza/ Jaroc
65,00 €
Interplay (Trb-Banda) Egea, José Vte.
175,00 €
James Haemhouts, Ben
71,00 €
Konzertstück Nº 2 Eb Dur Brandt, Vassily
140,00 €
Konzertstuck Nº1 F minor Brandt, Vassily
210,00 €
La Virgen de la Macarena Tradicional/ Marlatt, David
110,00 €
La Virgen de la Macarena Tradicional/ Marlatt, David
110,00 €
Latinda Laseroms, Wim
60,00 €
Les Deux Hommes de Cuivres Lamy, Fernand
63,50 €
Little Red Monkey Gordon, Jack
66,50 €
Little Rhapsody Waignein, Andre
95,00 €
L’ Eté Indien Losito- Cutugno/ Mortimer, John G.
75,50 €
Manhattan/ Score & Parts Sparke, Philip
175,00 €
Manhattan/ Score & Parts Sparke, Philip
175,00 €
Norvegian Ballad Penders, Jef
110,00 €
Ode for Trumpet Reed, Alfred
105,00 €
Patchwork Solo for Trumpet Schneider, Manfred
225,00 €
Rendezvous Hadermann, Jan
105,00 €
Rhapsody for Flugel Horn or Trumpet Waignein, Andre
120,00 €
Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin, George/ Doksitser + Andrews
226,00 €
Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin, George/ Dokshitser + Andrews
226,00 €
Say You, Say Me Richie, Lionel/ Bernaerts, Frank
68,00 €
Segundo Concierto Albero Francés, J.
93,50 €
She’ s Out My Life Jackson, Michael/ Bernaerts, Frank
71,00 €
Spanisch Trumpet Thomas, Jerome
108,50 €
The Morning Trumpet Bulla, Stephen
110,00 €
Tijuana Trumpets Sparke, Philip
42,85 €
To Be With You Ranter, Guido de
71,00 €
Trumpet Concerto in E-Flat Hummel, Johann N.
125,50 €
Trumpet Fun Andersen, Thomas/ Andresen, Johnny
65,00 €
Trumpet Galop Op. 144 Bourgeois, Derek
75,00 €
Trumpet Tune Boyce, William/ Parker, Rodney
75,00 €
Trumpet Voluntary Clarke, Jeremiah/ Curnow, James
70,00 €
Trumpet Voluntary Herriot + Ployhar/ Purcell, Henry
57,50 €
Trumpets in the Night Kenny, Terry
75,00 €
Tubala (Tpta-Banda) Egea, José Vte.
175,00 €
Virtuosity Baker, Kenny/ Schyns, José
70,00 €
When Speaks the Signal - Trumpet Alone Gillingham, David R.
350,00 €

Marcas destacadas

guitarras admira
guitarras alhambra
altus flautas
audio technica
azumi flautas
vincent bach
estuches bam
bg abrazaderas
buffet crampon
Vf cerveny
D'addario Woodwinds
Denis Wick boquillas
Fusion bags
Gara Winds
Gewa instrumentos
Gretsch Drums
Hercules stands
J.Leiva percusion
Jargar cuerdas
Jazz Lab arneses
Joral mutes
Jupiter instruments
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Knobloch Strings
Latin Percussion
Légère cañas
Loree Paris oboes
Miyazawa flautas
Paco Castillo
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Sankyo flautas
Seles by Selmer
Selmer Paris
Shure logo
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Wood & Good
Yamaha music
DB Technologie
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