Libros y Partituras de MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS | Trino Music
Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Disp. Precio
4 Mallet Exercises Garwood, Whaley
12,50 €
4 Mallet Fundamentals Whaley, Garwood/ Grover, Neil
18,00 €
4 Mallet Primer Varios/ Grover, Neil
12,00 €
4 Percussion Quartets for Young Performe Lang, Morris
24,00 €
A Conductor’s Interpretive Analysis of Fennell, Frederick
24,00 €
Ahrirang Tradicional
27,20 €
American Suite Gauthreaux, Guy G.
15,00 €
An Understandable Approach to Musical Ex Laudermilch, Kenneth
17,00 €
Art of Percussion Accessory Playing Cirone, A.J- Whaley, G.
13,00 €
Auditions Etudes Whaley, John
16,00 €
Basics in Rhythm Whaley, Garwood
13,50 €
Basics in Rhythm + 2CD Garwood, Whaley
23,00 €
Between The Lines Glassock, Lynn
25,00 €
Blueprint for Band Garofalo, Robert
34,00 €
Concerto for Percussion and Band Jager, Robert
100,00 €
Conducting With Feeling Harris, Frederick
25,50 €
Fundamental Studies for Mallets Whaley, Garwood
26,00 €
Galop from "The Comedians" Kabalevsky, Dimitri
72,80 €
Golden Age of the Xylophone Werle + Eyles
35,00 €
Lip Slurs for Tuba Swoboda, Deanna
19,00 €
Lip Spurs for Euphonium Swoboda + Tuinen
19,00 €
Mallet Percusion for Young Beginners Eyles, Randall
15,00 €
More Auditions Etudes + CD Whaley, John
25,00 €
More Basics in Rhythm Whaley, Garwood
14,00 €
Movie Themes for Classical Players Cello Goldie, Sandy
25,50 €
Movie Themes for Classical Players Flute Boscaino, Barbara
26,00 €
Musical Studies for the Intermediate Mal Whaley, Garwood
19,00 €
New Elementary Studies for Xylophone and Marimba Hamilton Green, George
16,50 €
New Series of Individual Instruction Cou Hamilton Green, George
30,00 €
Pieces Classiques pour Percussion 2 Breuer, Harry
13,00 €
Primary Handbook for Bassoon Polonchak, Richard M.
12,50 €
Primary Handbook for Mallets Whaley, Garwood
13,50 €
Primary Handbook for Mallets + CD Whaley, Garwood
20,50 €
Primary Handbook for Snare Drum + CD Whaley, Garwood
25,00 €
Primary Handbook for Timpani + CD Whaley, Garwood
22,50 €
Raggedy Ragtime Rags Eyles, Randall
30,00 €
Rudimental Solos for Accomplished Drumme Pratt, John S.
18,00 €
Rudiments in Rhythm Campbell, James
21,50 €
Scherzo for Timpani Whaley, Garwood
9,00 €
Slavonic Dance Nº 8 Hilliard, Howard
50,00 €
Solos and Duets for Timpani Whaley, Garwood
18,00 €
The Art Of Percussion Playing Cirone, A.J, Whaley, G., Grover, N.
19,00 €
The Conductor’s Companion Varios
24,00 €
The Contemporary Percussionist Udow + Watts
21,00 €
The Creative Director. Beginning & Inter Lisk, Edward S.
33,00 €
The Winds of Change Battisti, Frank L.
37,00 €
Trilogy Huesgen, Tim
13,00 €
Wind Band of the World Foster, Robert
30,00 €
Xylophone Rags Green, George Hamilton
30,00 €

Marcas destacadas

guitarras admira
guitarras alhambra
altus flautas
audio technica
azumi flautas
vincent bach
estuches bam
bg abrazaderas
buffet crampon
Vf cerveny
D'addario Woodwinds
Denis Wick boquillas
Fusion bags
Gara Winds
Gewa instrumentos
Gretsch Drums
Hercules stands
J.Leiva percusion
Jargar cuerdas
Jazz Lab arneses
Joral mutes
Jupiter instruments
Estuches K.Ses logo
Kawai Pianos
Knobloch Strings
Latin Percussion
Légère cañas
Loree Paris oboes
Miyazawa flautas
Paco Castillo
Roy Benson
Sankyo flautas
Seles by Selmer
Selmer Paris
Shure logo
Stentor logo
Wood & Good
Yamaha music
DB Technologie
Yamaha Clavinova logo